Palm trees
For statement and structure, nothing does better. Always very good coastal plants. Our stock will nearly always include Phoenix Palms, Fan Palms, Jelly Palms, Chusan Palms and Cordylines.
The great divider of opinions! Nothing screens quicker - or better - than bamboo. We have plenty of varieties, some that spread and some that don't. We sell root barrier too, just incase.
Arid plants
Yuccas, dasylirions and agaves,,, beware - spiky!! Fantastic architectural value, love the sun and must be well-drained. Very hardy and very, very, low maintenance.
A favourite. Graceful, and so variable in shape, form, colour and texture. A healthy range of varieties and sizes are usually available.
Olive trees
The classic Mediterranean tree. Available as mature trees, half standards and small shrubs.
The saviours of the shady environment. Wonderful forms and textures from the graceful ground covering ferns to the imposing Dicksonia tree ferns
Herbaceous perennials
Well a huge group of plants, but so effective and giving bursts of colour and interest. From spring through to autumn, there is always a wide range available.
We're experiencing a renaissance for ornamental grasses, and rightfully so. Much underused, but so effective at softening spaces and giving interest where other plants struggle. Very useful in exposed environments.
We love the tropical plants: bananas, ensetes, cannas, gingers, taro and giant taro. These are nearly always available from late spring.
Our evergreen shrubs are divided into two groups: the practical, good for giving coverage or hedging (such as laurel, beech, eleagnus, and privet), plus the ornamental evergreen shrubs which flower on and on (bottle brush, oleander, etc).
Fun impulse buys
Generally available from late spring until autumn, we can never resist the colour and flamboyance of Bougainvillea, Hibiscus rosa sinensis andMandevilla. They flower forever and bring such vivid colours.
Stock list
The following is a list of our 'usual' stock plants. It's by no way definitive and may well include items which, on the day that you visit, are unavailable. But it's a pretty good guide. Always phone before committing to a long journey and being disappointed.
Acacia cultriformis (Knife Leaf Wattle)
Classic Australian wattle, a beautiful small tree.
Acacia dealbata (Mimosa)
A graceful small tree with soft fern-like foliage.
Acer 'Atropurpureum' (Japanese Maple)
Boasting red-purple leaves that turn to scarlet in autumn before falling.
Acer Griseum (Paper bark maple)
Brilliant orange and scarlet autumn colour with peeling paper bark.
Acer 'Katsura' (Japanese Maple)
With orange/yellow leaves, to green in summer before ending bright orange.
Acer 'Orange Dream' (Japanese Maple)
With orange/green leaves, to green in summer to orange/yellow in autumn
Acer palmatum ‘Green' (Japanese Maple)
Beautiful variations of leaf colour throughout the growing season.
Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' (Japanese Maple)
A striking variety with beautiful red leaves darkening in autumn.
Acer palmatum 'Dissectum Viridis' (Japanese Maple)
Feathery lime green spring foliage turning to reds and oranges in autumn.
Acer palmatum 'Fireglow' (Japanese Maple)
Purple/red spring foliage to vibrant crimsons through summer to autumn.
Acer Palmatum Shishi-gashira (Japanese Maple)
Unusual dark green foliage changing to a vivid orange in Autumn.
Albizia julibrissin (Persian Silk Tree)
A beautiful small tree with a lovely tropical feel.
Albizia julibrissin 'Rosea' (Pink Silk Tree)
A small deciduous tree with delicate ferny foliage with fluffy rose-pink summer flowers. Fully hardy but can take time getting going in Spring, but a beautiful statement come the summer months.
Betula nigra 'Summer Cascade' (Young's weeping birch)
A graceful deciduous Birch with long, thin pendulous branches and peeling silver-pink bark. Dark green foliage turns to golden yellow before falling in late autumn.
Betula pendula 'Youngii' (Young's weeping birch)
A beautiful character tree with attractive white bark and a dense display of triangular foliage which hangs gracefully from long, thin branches. In late autumn foliage turns a pretty golden yellow before falling.
Betula utilis (Himalayan birch)
A tall yet slender tree crown with white-grey peeling bark.
Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca' Pendula Candelabro (Atlas cedar)
Excellent specimen tree in a pot order border, good in windy situations.
Cupressus sempervirens 'Stricta' (Italian Cypress)
'Stricta' is best Italian cypress variety for true pencil column form.
Cupressus sempervirens 'Totem' (Italian Cypress)
Classic mediterranean tree with iconic columnar form.
Eriobotrya 'Coppertone' (Loquat)
Grows in to a nice little tree, easy to shape and maintain.
Eucalyptus gunnii (Cider Gum)
The most hardy of the gum trees and the most common gum found in the UK.
Eucalyptus Pauciflora (Snow Gum)
A handsome evegreen medium-sized tree with attractive bark, bluish green foliage and small white summer flowers.
Fagus sylvatica (Beech)
Lovely as a stand alone tree or as an effective hedge.
Ficus carica (Fig tree)
A wonderful small tree, very good in a pot, produces lovely juicy fruit!
Ginkgo biloba 'Mariken' (Maidenhair Tree)
A unique tree with a compact form, ideal for small gardens.
Ilex aquifolium (Broad-leaved Holly )
Traditional evergreen holly bush with masses of red berries in autumn to winter against dark green leaves. Very effective as a formal hedge.
Liquidambar Styraciflua (Sweet Gum)
A deciduous tree Growing to 20m tall, with a spread of up to 8m with glossy, maple-like, lobed leaves which turn to shades of orange, crimson and purple in autumn
Magnolia gallisoniensis (Southern Magnolia)
Beautiful formed tree with stunning highly fragrant, cup-shaped flowers
Magnolia Grandiflora (Southern Magnolia)
Beautiful formed tree with stunning highly fragrant, cup-shaped flowers
Nicotiana 'Grandiflora' (Tobacco plant)
Abundant and highly perfumed flowers, works nicely in patio pots.
Olea europaea (Olive Tree)
Iconic mediterranean tree excellent potted or in a sunny border.
Olea europaea Standard (Cloud) (Olive Tree )
The iconic Mediterranean tree with grey-green foliage and edible olives forming from early Summer. An excellent candidate for keeping in a pot. Prune into shape in spring/summer.
Prunus domestica 'Susini' (Patio Dwarf Plum Tree)
This is the most commonly grown plum in Europe, and most prunes(dried plums) are made from fruits of this species. Harvest late august to early september. Ideal for patios and small gardens.
Prunus serrulata 'Royal Burgundy' (Purple Leaved Cherry)
Beautiful spring flowers followed by vibrant scarlet autumn foliage.
Salix babylonica (Weeping willow)
A deciduous, graceful tree with bright-green, lance shaped leaves and silvery undersides born on long weeping branches reaching down to the ground. One of the best weeping willows.
Salix 'hakuro nishiki' (Flamingo willow)
Boasts cream-pink foliage in the spring and summer.
Taxus baccata (English Yew)
The classic English Yew, A slow growing, evergreen conifer providing an excellent background for shrub and herbaceous borders. The best choice for a formal hedge. Full sun to partial shade.
Abelia grandiflora (Glossy abelia)
Attractive, fragrant, and long flowering - perfect for a mixed border.
Acca sellowiana (Pineapple Guava)
Handsome grey-green foliage, great for hedging or as a standalone.
Agapanthus africanus (African Lilly)
Excellent coastal plant or used mid border or potted, wonderful colour.
Agapanthus africanus 'Albus' (White African Lilly)
Stunning globe-shaped flowers on tall stems, perfect potted or mid border.
Agapanthus 'Enigma' (White African Lilly)
A bicoloured variety with white flowers, that are pale blue at the base.
Agapanthus 'Peter Pan' (Blue African Lilly)
A lovely compact variety suited to being potted or front of border.
Agapanthus 'Silver Baby' (White African Lilly)
A lovely compact variety suited to being potted or front of border.
Astelia chathamica (Silver spear)
Superb architectural plant that adds definition to a sunny mixed border.
Aucuba japonica 'Rozannie' (Spotted Laurel)
Quick growing, perfect for low hedging or a topiary form.
Callistemon 'Kings Park' (Red Bottlebrush)
Fantastic colour in a sunny spot. Loved by bees and butterflies.
Callistemon leavis (Bottlebrush)
Stunning shrub, an iconic bee magnet! Prune back after flowering.
Callistemon 'Mini Red' (Red Bottlebrush)
A compact variety, fantastic for bright summer colour, good in a pot.
Callistemon 'Splendens' (Red Bottlebrush)
Fantastic colour in a sunny spot. Loved by bees and butterflies.
Camellia sasanqua 'Pink' (Pink Camellia)
Much loved for its knack of giving colour to shadier parts of the garden.
Campanula 'Loddon Anna' (Milky Belflower)
Cottage garden classic, perfect for adding height to a border.
Campanula Prichard's Variety (Milky Bellflower)
A cottage garden classic that is perfect for adding height to a border.
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus (Creeping Blossom)
Best near the front of a mixed border with a backdrop of larger shrubs.
Ceanothus 'Victoria' (California Lilac)
A heavy flowering bushy shrub, really good in coastal/exposed situations
Choisya dewitteana (Mexican mock orange)
Perfect for patio pots or at the front of border, highly scented flowers.
Choisya ternata (Mexican orange blossom)
Perfect for a hot sunny border or to add an exotic touch to a shady area.
Cirsium rivulare atropurpureum (Brook thistle)
A towering thistle, a great addition to a summer garden.
Convolvulus cneorum (Silverbush)
Excellent for rock gardens, or cascading over a wall or pots.
Coprosma 'Chocolate Soldier' (Mirror Bush)
Striking foliage works as a low screen, in a mixed border or a patio pot.
Cornus alba 'Elegantissima' (Red Barked Dogwood)
With vivid red stems giving much needed colour to a winter border.
Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' (Golden Twig Dogwood)
With bright yellow winter stems looking particularly nice around water.
Elaeagnus x ebbingei Limelight (Variegated Russian Sage)
Grows to 3 m tall with a 2m spread but can be kept smaller. Super hardy hedging plant, with very effective with brightly coloured variegated leaves, does well in most conditions especially so in coastal enviroments.
Elaeagnus x ebbingei Limelight (Oleaster 'Limelight')
A large evergreen shrub with broad variegated leaves. Produces small silvery-white very fragrant flowers in autumn, followed by orange fruits in spring. A very tough and versatile shrub.
Eriobotrya japonica (Loquat tree)
Hardy evergreen tree with huge leaves. In very very good seasons will produce pear-shaped loquat fruit in Autumn.
Escallonia 'Iveyi' (Escallonia)
Excellent hedging plant, especially coastal hedging.
Euonymus japonicus 'Benkomasaki' (Japanese Spindle)
Architectural shrub with beautiful dark green, shiny foliage. Ideal for borders, hedging and coastal gardens. Insignificant white flowers appear in summer. Parts of plant are poisonous if ingested.
Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Robbiae' (Efanthia)
Long-flowering, excellent in pots, rock gardens or mixed borders.
Euphorbia ingens (Cowboy Cactus)
Structure, shape and interest. The classic Cowboy Cactus does very well in a south facing location and then if possible indoors for winter.
Farfugium ‘Wavy Gravy' (Leopard plant)
Exotic, tropical or just plain weird - works well in a shady jungle space.
Fatsia 'Green Fingers' (Castor Oil Plant)
Great evergreen interest for informal borders or tropical themes.
Fatsia japonica (Castor Oil Plant)
Great for informal borders or tropical themes. A very handy plant to have.
Fatsia japonica 'Variagata' (Castor Oil Plant)
Great evergreen interest for informal borders or tropical themes.
Fatsia Murakumo Nishiki (Castor Oil Plant)
Great evergreen interest for informal borders or tropical themes.
Fatsia 'Spiders Web' (Castor Oil Plant)
Great evergreen interest for informal borders or tropical themes.
Fuschsia 'Lady Boothby' (Fuschsia)
The classic long-flowering cottage garden favourite.
Gaura 'siskiyou pink' (Wand Flower)
Beautiful colour for long periods, perfect at the front of a sunny border.
Griselinia 'Green Horizon' (Broadleaf)
Ideal hedging in coastal and exposed environments. A very tough plant.
Griselinia littoralis Variegata (Broadleaf)
Ideal hedging in coastal and exposed environments. A very tough plant.
Griselinia Variegata (Broadleaf)
Ideal hedging in coastal and exposed environments. A very tough plant.
Hebe andersonii 'Variegata' (Hebe)
Masses of flowers, perfect for cottage gardens or coastal planting.
Hebe 'Lady Ann' (Hebe)
Masses of flowers, perfect for cottage gardens or coastal planting.
Hebe x franciscana 'Blue Gem' (Hebe Blue Gem)
Masses of flowers, perfect for cottage gardens or coastal planting
Hydrangea 'Mariesii Perfecta' (Lacecap)
Beautiful flowering plant, a classic cottage planting in a mixed border.
Hylotelephium 'Brilliant' (Sedum Ice plant)
Bee and butterfly magnet, great front of a sunny border or a patio pot.
Hylotelephium 'Purple Emperor' (Sedum)
The best dark-leaved sedum, great front of a sunny border or a patio pot.
Hypericum hidcote (St. John's wort)
Perfect for a mixed border giving masses of colour throughout summer.
Hypericum 'Magical Sunshine' (St. John's wort)
Handsome shrub with a long-lasting clusters of star-shaped flowers.
Kniphofia 'Vanilla Orange' (Dwarf Red Hot Poker)
Fantastic summer colour, and it's very best in a hot sunny border.
Kolkwitzia 'Pink Cloud' (Beauty bush)
A graceful backdrop to a sunny mixed or shrub border.
Laurus nobilis 1/2 Standard (Bay Tree)
Effective for topiary, and the aromatic leaves useful in the kitchen.
Lavandula 'Hidcote' (English lavender)
A dwarf variety, classic summer colour, loved by birds and butterflies.
Lavendula ‘Munstead’ (Lavender)
Ideal for sunny Mediterranean-type gardens, or for fringing long borders.
Leptospermum 'Kiwi nana' (Tea Tree)
Profuse flowering Australian plant irresistible to bees and butterflies.
Leptospermum 'Pink Princess' (Tea Tree)
Profuse flowering Australian plant irresistible to bees and butterflies.
Leptospermum scoparium 'Pink Queen' (Tea Tree)
Profuse flowering Australian plant irresistible to bees and butterflies.
Leptospermum scoparium 'Red Damask' (Tea Tree)
Profuse flowering Australian plant irresistible to bees and butterflies.
Ligustrum jonandrum pom pom (Privet Tree)
Cloud topiary tree, very little pruning or shaping necessary. Trim once or twice a year. Evergreen.
Loropetalum chinense 'Black Pearl' (Chinese fringe flower)
Long lasting and profuse flowering, darker foliage gives great contrast.
Loropetalum chinense 'Fire Dance' (Chinese fringe flower)
Long lasting and profuse flowering, darker foliage gives great contrast.
Loropetalum 'Rose in Black' (Chinese fringe flower)
Long lasting and profuse flowering, darker foliage gives great contrast.
Magnolia soulangeana (White Tulip Tree)
One of the most popular magnolias, with large, dark green leaves that emerge mid spring along with deep rose-pink or white, goblet-shaped flowers. It remains a shapely shrub for many years, and even when it is mature, is a nicely formed small tree.
Mahonia 'Soft Caress' (Oregon grape)
Good choice for or a planter, or in a sunny or partially shaded border.
Myrtus communis 'Variegata' (Variegated Myrtle)
Handsome and compact with aromatic foliage, flowering for long periods.
Myrtus 'Microphylla' (Tarentum Myrtle)
Beautiful mediterranean plant ideal for a patio pot or for a sunny border.
Nandina domestica (Sacred Bamboo)
Flushes of purple and red on new growth and again in winter.
Nandina domestica 'Obsessed' (Heavenly bamboo Obession)
Fiery red young foliage that changes to green and then crimson in autumn
Nerium oleander (Oleander)
Classic Mediterranean evergreen with vibrant colours throughout summer. Proves hardy here in the south but would probably need protection in colder parts of the UK
Phormium Maori Queen (New Zealand Flax)
Grows to 1m with a similar spread. Evergreen upright clump forming perennial with broad green leaves and rose red margins. Suitable for most conditions.
Phormium tenax 'Purpureum' (New Zealand flax Purpureum)
A robust evergreen perennial, very reliable in coastal and windy environments, excellent for giving contrast with it's all year round purple leaves.
Photinia fraseri 'Compacta' (Fraser's photinia)
A compact 'Red Robin' great for low hedging.
Photinia fraseri Red Robin (Christmas berry)
Excellent choice for hedging or as a standalone specimen.
Photinia serratifolia 'Crunchy' (Crunchy Red Robin)
Great for giving colour to a mixed border or as a low hedge.
Physocarpus 'Diablo' (Ninebark)
New growth emerges a vibrant red turning deeper purple as it matures.
Pieris japonica (Lily-of-the-valley)
Beautiful foliage, made for growing in a shrub border or woodland area.
Pittosporum 'Variegatum' (Variegated Pittosporum)
Very much at home in courtyard, coastal and cottage gardens.
Polygala myrtifolia (Sweet Pea Bush)
Beautiful long-flowering evergreen shrub with rich mauve coloured flowers. The Sweet Pea isn't fully hardy and will benefit from protection or a sheltered spot in winter. Prefers full sun, but is happy in part sun, keep in well drained soil.
Prostanthera cuneata (Alpine mint bush)
Wonderfully aromatic use near entrances and pathways to get full value.
Prunus 'Otto Luyken' (Cherry laurel)
Compact, ideal for low screening in courtyard, coastal or cottage gardens
Prunus 'Rotundifolia' (Cherry laurel)
Dense hedging wonderfully versatile.
Rhododendron yakushimanum (Yak Rhododendron)
A nice and tidy compact variety, perfect for front of border or potted.
Ribes nigrum (Blackcurrant)
For masses of juicy dark purple blackcurrants.
Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary)
Bushy aromatic herb. A culinary favourite.
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Gorzia' (Rosemary)
A bushy, aromatic shrub with purple-blue flowers displayed from mid-spring to early summer, and often again in autumn.
Rosmarinus 'Prostratus' (Spreading Rosemary)
Bushy aromatic herb. A culinary favourite.
Sambucus nigra Black Lace (Black Elder Sambuca Plant)
Black Lace has dramatic, almost black foliage producing beautiful creamy pink buds and flowers in early summer followed by blackish red berries during autumn.
Sambucus nigra Serenade (Elder 'Serenade')
A graceful plant with foliage colouring from green, purple and then red.
Santolina chamaecyparissus (Cotton Lavender)
Aromatic herb perfect for a Mediterranean themed planting.
Sarcococca confusa (Sarcococca )
A compact evergreen shrub with highly fragrant cream to pink flowers in late winter in to spring. A really good choice for shady areas.
Sisyrinchium striatum (Evening Primrose)
A pretty plant that looks lovely at the front of a sunny border.
Solanum laciniatum (Kangaroo Apple)
A vigorous and unusual plant, good for tropical planting, stunning flowers
Sorbaria sorbifolia 'Sem' (Sorbaria 'Sem')
A compact plant with leaves becoming greener in summer, to red in autumn.
Syringa vulgaris (Llilac)
A highly fragrant classic much loved by bees and butterflies.
Tamarix 'Pink Cascade' (Tamarisk)
Classic coastal plant with pretty feathering foliage.
Viburnum plicatum 'Mariesii' (Japanese snowball)
A handsome plant with a tiered form creating an interesting focal point.
Viburnum tinus (Laurustinus)
Mass flowering winter colour, very good in shadier parts too.
Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' (Laurustinus)
Mass flowering winter colour, very good in shadier parts too.
Weigela florida 'Monet' (Weigela)
Pretty and compact, ideal in a patio pot or at the front of a mixed border
Weigela florida 'Wine and Roses' (Weigela )
A dense and compact deciduous shrub with large glossy wine-purple foliage. In late spring clusters of rich deep pink trumpet flowers burst in to life. Loved by bees and butterflies everywhere. Offers excellent contrast in sunny to part shade borders.
Agave americana (Century Plant)
Bold, architectural, very spiky plant. Well drained soil is a must.
Agave americana 'Marginata' (Variegated Century Plant)
Bold architectural plant, very well suited to a pot or in a sunny border.
Agave ferox (Ferocious Agave)
Excellent coastal plant, good in dry gardens or as a feature in a pot.
Agave franzosinii (Octopus Agave)
Excellent coastal plant, good in dry gardens or as a feature in a pot.
Agave parrasana (Cabbage Head Agave)
A slow growing compact Agave with light grey/green leaves that grow from a central rosette. Very Hardy if good drainage supplied.
Aloe perfoliata (Mitre Aloe)
Great indoors or in a sunny spot in the garden a very good coastal option.
Aloe spinosissima (Spider Aloe)
Great indoors or in a sunny spot in the garden a very good coastal option.
Dasylirion serratifolium (Bear Grass)
Hardy architectural plant with narrow sharply serrated leaves. Originating from desert climates these plants like full sun and minimal watering.
Delosperma congestum (Ice Plant)
Great for rock gardens or for cascading over the sides of a pot.
Hesperaloe parviflora (Red Yucca)
Gives wonderful structure to pots, borders and coastal spaces.
Myrtillocactus geometrizans (Bilberry Cactus)
A column-shaped cactus that proves half hardy and may well do in a sheltered spot outside for winter but better indoors for winter is possible.
Opuntia basilaris (Beavertail Cactus)
The infamous Prickly Pear, can be grown indoors and outdoors.
Opuntia polyacantha Rubra (Red Prickly Pear)
The infamous Prickly Pear excellent and interesting form accompanied by beautiful summer flowers and fruits. Can be grown indoors and outdoors, but must be protected in winter.
Opuntia vulgaris (Prickly Pear)
Can be grown indoors and outdoors, but must be protected in winter.
Trichocereus cuzcoensis (Peruvian torch cactus)
Does well outdoors but if possible bring in for the colder months.
Yucca filamentosa (Adams's Needle)
Fantastic architectural plant, very good in exposed/coastal sites.
Yucca gloriosa (Spanish Dagger)
Gives wonderful structure to pots, borders and coastal spaces.
Yucca rostrata (Beaked Yucca)
Attractive and hardy Yucca with a crown of blue-greyish sword shaped leaves. Can grow tall but takes many years to do so. Excellent architectural plant.
Fargesia angustissima (Borinda Bamboo)
An upright clumping bamboo with fine, graceful foliage.
Fargesia 'Black Pearl' (Black Fountain Bamboo)
A striking clump-forming bamboo with uniquely black canes.
Fargesia 'Great Wall' (Umbrella Bamboo)
Clump formimg bamboo. Effective for hedging/screening.
Fargesia jiuzhaigou (Red Fountain Bamboo)
A dense busy evergreen bamboo with crimson red colours on mature canes.
Fargesia 'Rufa' (Umbrella bamboo)
Clump forming bamboo giving dense coverage.
Fargesia scabrida 'Asian Wonder' (Umbrella Bamboo)
A clumping bamboo good for low screening or for softening a mixed border.
Fargesia 'Volcano' (Red Fountain Bamboo)
A dense busy evergreen bamboo with crimson red colours on mature canes. Keep moist and feed regularly throughout the growing season.
Fargesia 'Wolong' (Umbrella bamboo)
A larger leaved variety becoming very dense. One of the few lower growing bamboos. Provides excellent coverage in shady environments. A clumping not spreading bamboo.
Phyllostachys aurea (Yellow Groove Bamboo)
The best bamboo for tolerating really windy exposed conditions.
Phyllostachys 'Aureocaulis' (Golden Crookstem Bamboo)
An upright bamboo with less lower coverage showing off its golden canes.
Phyllostachys bissetii (Bisset Bamboo)
One of best bamboo for giving uniformed top to bottom coverage.
Phyllostachys humilis (Scottish Bamboo)
The smallest but mightiest of our bamboo very good lower level screening.
Phyllostachys nigra (Black Bamboo)
A dramatic and tremendously popular bamboo with a tall upright form.
Phyllostachys 'Spectabilis' (Green Sulcus Bamboo)
An upright bamboo with less lower coverage showing off its golden canes.
Phyllostachys vivax 'Aureocaulis' (Golden Vivax)
Tall with big canes, this is the bamboo planted at the nursery entrance.
Pseudosasa japonica (Arrow Bamboo)
The most vigorous and dense of our bamboo, very good in most situations.
Semiarundinaria fastuosa (Narihira Bamboo)
An upright bamboo with very little spread. Excellent for screening.
Semiarundinaria 'Kimmei' (Red Narihira)
A vigorous clump-forming bamboo with a dense habit but little spread.
Agrostis nebulosa (Cloud grass)
Upright annual grass with slender leaves topped with a cloud of seed heads
Calamagrostis 'Karl Foerster' (Feather Reed Grass)
A clump-forming perennial grass with flat arching leaves.
Carex Comans (Bronze sedge)
Great winter interest and offers colour contrast amongst other grasses.
Cortaderia selloana 'Pumila' (Dwarf Pampass Grass)
Tough, versatile and and excellent all-year focal-point
Cyperus alternifolius (Umbrella palm)
Can be be used as an aquatic or marginal plant, but does well in a pot or as a house plant. Cyperus is not fully hardy but does do well in this area.
Equisetum japonicum (Barred Horsetail)
Striking architectual reed-like plant, used well around water.
Festuca glauca (Blue Fescue)
Compact, neat and rounded in shape, contrasts well amongst other grasses.
Festuca glauca 'Elijah blue' (Blue Fescue)
Compact, neat and rounded in shape, contrasts well amongst other grasses.
Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' (Golden hakonechloa)
Lovely as a soft edging to paths or steps or drifting over planters.
Hakonechloa macra 'Nicolas' (Golden hakonechloa)
Lovely as a soft edging to paths or steps or drifting over planters.
Hedera 'Gloire de Marengo' (Variegated Mediterranean Ivy)
A dense, vigorous, self-clinging, evergreen climber with dark variegated leaves.
Imperata 'Red Baron' (Japanese Blood Grass)
Perfect for mixed borders, courtyard, dry garden, coastal or in a planter.
Juncus spiralis (Corkscrew rush)
Curiously curly, and charming corkscrew rush perfect around water.
Miscanthus 'Ferne Osten' (Eulalia Ferner Osten)
Perfect for mixed borders, courtyard, dry gardens.
Miscanthus 'Gracillimus' (Miscanthus)
A graceful tall grass, excellent structure in a mixed border.
Miscanthus 'Morning Light' (Miscanthus)
Perfect for mixed borders, courtyard, dry gardens.
Miscanthus 'Red Chief' (Miscanthus)
Perfect for mixed borders, courtyard, dry gardens, coastal or in a planter
Miscanthus zebrinus (Zebra Grass)
Perfect for mixed borders, courtyard, dry gardens, coastal or a planter.
Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Black Dragon' (Black Mondo Grass)
Excellent for contrast and impact in borders and rock gardens.
Pennisetum 'Hameln' (Chinese fountain grass)
Perfect for sunny borders, very effective planted en-masse.
Stipa gigantea (Giant Feather Grass)
A bold statement grass, lovely in a sunny border, a good coastal choice
Stipa tenuissima (Feather Grass)
A soft wispy grass, lovely in a sun-baked border.
Alocasia 'Portodora' (Elephant's ear or Giant Taro)
Fantastic tropical foliage plant with distinctive dark green leaves. Can be overwintered in the soil as long as the soil drains well, otherwise consider lifting. If potted can be over-wintered as an indoor plant.
Canna (Dwarf Mixed) (Indian shot plant)
A very compact dwarf form of canna. Blooms continuously through Summer. Keep soil moist to support lush growth. Plant in a border or grow in a pot. To overwinter protect from frost in garden or bring indoors.
Canna 'Happy Carmen' (Canna Lilly)
A compact canna with big, long-lasting flowers. What’s not to love?
Canna 'Happy Cleo' (Canna Lilly)
A compact canna with big, long-lasting flowers. What’s not to love?
Canna 'Happy Julia' (Canna Lilly)
A compact canna with big, long-lasting flowers. What’s not to love?
Colocasia esculenta (Taro Plant)
Graceful big-leaved tropical favourite.
Ensete 'Maurelii' (Red Banana)
Fast growing tropical monster, excellent focal point.
Hedychium coronarium (Butterfly Ginger)
A must have for a tropical scheme, big and bold with lush green foliage.
Mixed Alocasia (Elephant's ear or Giant Taro)
Fantastic tropical foliage plant with distinctive dark green leaves. Can be overwintered in the soil as long as the soil drains well, otherwise consider lifting. If potted can be over-wintered as an indoor plant.
Musa basjoo (Japanese Hardy Banana)
Classic big-leaved plant adds character to any tropical scheme.
Musa 'Dwarf Cavendish' (Banana 'Dwarf Cavendish')
Great addition to any tropical scheme. Looks very nice in a pot too!
Musa sikkimensis (Japanese Fibre Banana)
Classic big-leaved plant adds character to any tropical scheme.
Musa sikkimensis (Japanese Fibre Banana)
Classic big-leaved plant wonderful adds character to any tropical scheme.
Musella lasiocarpa (Chinese Banana)
Dwarf banana plant wonderful adds character to any tropical scheme.
Musella lasiocarpa (Chinese Banana)
Dwarf banana adds character and interest to any tropical scheme.
Zingiber officinale (Ginger)
A dense clumping ginger, good for ground-covering in tropical spaces.
Asplenium scolopendrium (Hart's Tongue Fern)
Offers year round structure amongst other deciduous woodland plants.
Athyrium 'Metallicum' (Japanese Painted Fern)
Offers excellent contrast amongst other woodland plants.
Athyrium niponicum 'Red Beauty' (Japanese Painted Fern)
A deciduous fern with striking grey green fronds flushed with wine red-centres offering excellent contrast amongst other woodland plants.
Cyathea australis (Lacy Tree Fern)
A stunning, graceful tree fern. Wonderful structure in woodland spaces.
Cyrtomium fortunei (Japanese Holly Fern)
Tall, upright and evergreen gives year round interest amongst other ferns.
Dicksonia antarctica (Tasmanian Tree Fern)
Wonderful tree fern adds structure and statement to any woodland space.
Dicksonia antarctica (5 ft) (Tasmanian Tree Fern)
Wonderful tree fern adds structure and statement to any woodland space.
Dryopteris affinis ('Cristata The King')
Perfect for giving height and statement to any shaded space.
Dryopteris cycadina (Shaggy shield fern)
A neat, tidy deciduous fern, with large triangular-shaped fronds which maintain a fantastic bright clean colour throughout the growing season.
Dryopteris erythrosora (Buckler Fern)
Rusty-coloured fronds offers contrast amongst other ferns.
Dryopteris filix-mas (Male fern)
An upright fern, happy even in the darkest, dankest shade.
Dryopteris wallichiana (Alpine Wood Fern)
A lovely statement in a woodland garden or under deciduous trees.
Matteuccia struthiopteris (Shuttlecock Fern)
Fantastic big bold deciduous fern with lacy fronds which unfurl to upto a metre in length.
Onoclea sensibilis (Sensitive fern)
Fast spreading, ground covering. A favourite for planting around water.
Osmunda regalis (Royal Fern)
A true giant with huge green fronds, which in autumn turn bronze.
Polystichum polyblepharum (Japanese tassel fern)
Handsome evergreen fern native to the UK provides all-year round interest
Polystichum proliferum (Mother Shield Fern)
A handsome evergreen fern native to the UK provides all-year round interest in low-light planting areas and mixed borders.
Polystichum setiferum (Soft Shield fern)
A striking evergreen fern provides interest in low-light planting areas.
Woodwardia fimbriata (Giant chain fern)
A tall fern offering year-round interest in woodland environments
Acanthus mollis (Bear's breech)
Great architectural interest with huge leaves forming a large clump.
Acanthus spinosus (Bear's breech)
Excellent statement plant in a mixed border
Achillea 'Apricot Delight' (Yarrow)
Valuable in a mixed border, long flowering loved by bees and butterflies.
Achillea 'Pomegranate' (Yarrow)
Valuable in a mixed border, long flowering loved by bees and butterflies
Agapanthus Double Diamond (White African Lilly)
A compact evergreen perennial with strap-like leaves. In late summer magnificent white globe-shaped flowers are displayed.
Allium cristophii (Star of Persia)
Perfect for a sunny site, works well in Mediterranean themed planting.
Allium 'Ivory Queen' (Allium 'Ivory Queen')
Eyecatching at the edge of a sunny border or gravel garden.
Allium sphaerocephalon (Round head Garlic)
Perfect for a sunny site, works well in Mediterranean themed planting.
Aloysia citrodora (Lemon Verbena)
Use next to paths/entrances to appreciate the refreshingly scented foliage
Anemone 'Konigin Charlotte' (Japanese anemone)
Great late summer/autumn colour brightening up a mixed border.
Astilbe pumila (Dwarf Chinese astilbe)
Very useful ground-cover in woodlands, by water, or in mixed borders.
Brunnera 'Jack Frost' (Siberian bugloss)
Brighten shady areas with silver-etched heart shaped leaves
Ceratostigma plumbaginoide (Hardy Plumbago)
Superb for adding late colour to the front of a sunny border.
Coreopsis ‘Show Stopper’ (Tickseed)
Outstanding colour throughout summer, great for edging a sunny border.
Coreopsis 'Moonbeam' (Tickseed)
Outstanding colour throughout summer, great for edging a sunny border.
Crocosmia 'George Davison' (Montbretia)
Ideal through an herbaceous border particularly in hot or tropical schemes
Crocosmia Lucifer (Montbretia)
Ideal through an herbaceous border particularly in hot or tropical schemes
Crocosmia 'Lucifer' (Montbretia)
Ideal through an herbaceous border particularly in hot or tropical schemes
Cynara cardunculus (Cardoon)
Striking focal point in a gravel garden, sunny border or coastal garden.
Echinacea 'Magnus' (Cone Flower)
Loved by bees and butterflies, great for a sunny, mixed border.
Erigeron (Mexican fleabane)
Great for pots or edging pathways paths, good in coastal conditions too.
Eryngium 'Picos Blue' (Sea Holly)
An unusual plant that does best in a sunny border or gravel garden.
Gaillardia 'Red Shades' (Blanket Flower)
A compact summer flowering perennial with beautiful daisy-like red flowers. Excellent colour in the border or potted. Dead-head to promote repeat flowering.
Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty' (Sneezeweed)
Bees and butterflies love it, great in a sunny border, long-flowering.
Helleborus Niger (Christmas Rose)
A evergreen perennial, with lobed, leathery dark green leaves, bowl-shaped white flowers up to 8cm in width from winter to spring. Grows best in partial shade.
Helleborus Orientalis (Christmas Rose)
A hardy perennial for early season flowering interest in the garden. Various coloured flowers from late winter to late spring. Grows best in partial shade
Hemerocallis 'Autumn Red' (Daylily)
A classic and favourite daylily, with flowers held above a neat tidy clump
Hemerocallis 'Frans Hals' (Daylily)
A striking and prollific daylily with flowers held above aneat tidy clump.
Hemerocallis 'Pink Damask' (Daylily)
The best of the pink daylilys, with flowers held above aneat tidy clump.
Knautia macedonica (Scabious)
Long-flowering loved by bees and butterflies great in a sunny mixed border
Kniphofia Orange Vanilla Popsicle (Dwarf Red Hot Poker)
A colourful and fun plant that adds vibrancy and interest to any garden. This compact variety produces tall spikes of bright orange/cream flowers in summer.
Kniphofia 'Papaya' Popsicle (Dwarf red hot poker)
A colourful and fun plant that adds vibrancy and interest to any garden. This compact variety produces tall spikes of bright orange/red flowers in summer.
Kniphofia 'Royal Castle' (Red Hot Poker)
Great for a sunny dry border or popping up between ornamental grasses.
Leucanthemum 'Banana Cream’ (Shasta Daisy)
Prolifc and long lasting flowers, perfect for the front of a sunny border.
Leucanthemum 'Luna’ (Shasta Daisy)
Prolific flowering, plant in drifts towards the front of a sunny border.
Lilium 'New Wave' (Asiatic Lilly)
Wonderful flowering in a summer border.
Liriope muscari 'Big Blue' (Blue lily-turf)
Perfect for adding colour to the front of shady border
Melianthus major (Honey bush)
Big, impressive tropical plant with green serrated-edged foliage emerging in Spring. In summer tubular red to brown flowers appear. Not fully hardy but proves hardy in this area.
Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant' (Catmint)
Wonderful in a sunny border alongside other blue or silver-leaved plants.
Perovskia blue spire (Russian Sage)
A good choice for windy, coastal gardens and Mediterranean themes too.
Phlox 'Rijnstroom' (Border Phlox)
A long and late-flowering variety a real cottage garden favourite
Polemonium 'Jacob's ladder' ('Stairway to Heaven')
Ideal for edging a partially shaded border, or beside a woodland path.
Potentilla 'Red Ace' (Shrubby cinquefoil)
Cottage garden classic, providing striking blooms all through summer.
Potentilla 'Tangerine' (Shrubby cinquefoil)
Cottage garden classic, providing striking blooms all through summer.
Rudbeckia 'Goldstrum' (Coneflower)
Profuse and long-flowering, perfect in a pot or sunny border.
Salvia 'Amistad' (Anise scented sage)
A deciduous plant with aromatic foliage and masses of dark purple flowers from spring right through to late autumn. Loved by bees and butterflies.
Salvia 'Curling Waves' (Sage)
Flowers for long periods, offers eye-catching colour in coastal gardens.
Salvia 'Hot Lips' (Salvia)
A delightful compact sage with vibrant colour perfect for a mixed border.
Salvia 'Love & Wishes' (Sage)
A long-flowering shrub with aromatic foliage loved by bees and butterflies
Salvia 'Mainacht' (Sage)
A delightful compact sage with vibrant colour perfect for a mixed border.
Salvia 'Royal Bumble' (Sage)
Flowers for long periods, offers eye-catching colour in coastal gardens.
Sarracenia (Pitcher Plants)
Unusual North American carnivorous bog plant. Flies beware!!
Sedum 'Autumn Joy' (Stonecrop)
Green leaves in summer maturing to pink/bronze then coppery-red in autumn
Senecio 'Angel wings' (Senaw)
A striking foliage plant with large, soft silvery-white leaves. Excellent choice for a sensory garden, in a pot or in the border. Very effective in coastal gardens too.
Stachys byzantina (Lamb's Ear)
Great ground-covering very good a suppressing weeds.
Tulbaghia 'Variagata' (Society Garlic)
Highly aromatic plant, lights up a sunny border or dry garden in summer.
Tulbaghia violacea (Society Garlic)
Highly aromatic plant, lights up a sunny border or dry garden in summer.
Verbena bonariensis (Verbena)
Beautiful colour for long periods, perfect mixed in a sunny border.
Verbena 'Lollipop' (Verbena)
Beautiful colour for long periods, perfect mixed in a sunny border.
Veronicastrum ‘Album' (Veronicastrum)
Long flowering, well used in coastal, cottage and informal gardens.
Veronicastrum ‘Fascination’ (Veronicastrum)
Long flowering, well used in coastal, cottage and informal gardens.
Vinca minor (Lesser periwinkle)
A pretty low-growing evergreen shrub perfect for ground-covering. Blue-violet flowers emerge from April and last to September amongst dark green foliage. Excellent coastal plant.
Zantedeschia Aethiopica (Arum Lilly)
Great potted or planted beside water as a marginal plant.
Actinidia chinensis (Self-fertile Kiwi)
A very vigorous ornamental climber with an abundant crop of juicy kiwi.
Actinidia kolomikta (Kolomikta)
A very vigorous plant with delightful silver, later pink tipped leaves.
Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea)
A beautiful evergreen plant with a stunning show of flowers throughout the growing season. In May place in a sunny, protected spot and enjoy a flowering show that lasts all season long. Over-winter inside, in a bright open space.
Clematis armandii (Armand clematis)
Perfect for growing against a sunny west or south-facing wall or trellis.
Clematis 'Grandiflora' (Clematis montana)
Extremely vigorous, does very well in low light environments.
Hedera 'Oro de boliasgo' (Mediterranean Ivy)
Vigorous Climber - used to great effect to brighten up a dark corner.
Jasminum stephanense (French Jasmine)
To appreciate the fragrant flowers plant close to an entrance or pathway.
Lonicera henryi (Henry's honeysuckle)
Vigorous and fragrant, very versatile and loved by bees and butterflies.
Mandevilla Duo (Dipladenia)
A flamboyant tropical plant smothered in striking red and White blooms.
Parthenocyssus quinquefolia (Virginia creeper)
Vigorous, self-clinging climber for covering walls and climbing structures
Passiflora caerulea (Passion flower)
Ideal for a tropical scheme, best at the base of a sheltered wall.
Passiflora 'Pink Passion' (Passion flower)
Ideal for a tropical scheme, best at the base of a sheltered wall.
Trachelospermum jasminoides (Star Jasmine)
Our best climber, highly scented flowers for long periods.
Vitis 'Boskoop Glory' (Red Grape Vine)
Black seedless grape variety ideal for both dessert and wine.
Vitis 'Himrod' (White Grape Vine)
A tasty seedless variety producing an adundant summer crop.
Vitis vinifera (Grape Vine)
Classic mediteranean climber. Used for fruit or as ornamental.
Vitis vinifera (Grape Vine)
Fantastic Mediterranean climber.
Vitis vinifera (Black) (Grape Vine)
Fantastic Mediterranean climber.
Wisteria 'Eranthema' (Japanese wisteria)
A beautiful and fragrant feature plant with spectacular flowering.
Palm Trees
Butia capitata Double Trunk (Jelly Palm)
A handsome hardy palm with arching branches of grey-green fronds. Excellent choice for planting in a pot.
Chamaerops humilis (Mediterranean fan palm)
A compact, excellent all-rounder, doing well in just about any environment. The most effective palm in windy, coastal areas. Little care is needed and its slow growth rate makes it a good choice for a pot.
Cordyline australis (Cabbage Palm)
Ideal for giving height and structure especially in windy environments.
Cordyline 'Pink Fire' (Cabbage Palm)
Great for a mixed border or in a pot, best in a sheltered spot.
Cordyline 'Red Star' (Red Cabbage Palm)
Offers height, structure and contrast to mixed borders or in a planter.
Cordyline 'Variegata' (Torbay Dazzler)
Ideal for giving height and structure especially in windy environments.
Cyca revoluta (Sago Palm)
Iconic, bold
architectural plant, with dark olive green foliage and a sturdy erect trunk. Although not full hardy proves so here in the south.
Phoenix canariensis (Canary Date Palm)
A fantastic palm very effective in the wind. Looks good in a pot too!
Trachycarpus fortunei (Chusan Palm)
An excellent architectural palm the best of the taller palms in the UK.
Trachycarpus fortunei (stripped trunk) (Chusan Palm)
An excellent architectural palm the best of the taller palms in the UK.