Plant Info
Here you'll find useful comparison guides and plant-specific information. If you still have questions after reading these pages, feel free to get in touch.

We stock many different palms, most of which are hardy, even in the coldest of gardens. From Butias to Cordylines, we cater for all palm enthusiasts. To help you choose the right palm for your garden, we've put together a Comparison Guide.

Bamboo is a great option for screening. It also makes a great patio feature in a large container. We have a bamboo for every garden including spectacular Phyllostachys (black bamboo, golden crookstem, etc) and shade-tolerant Fargesia (fountain bamboo). Click below to read our Comparison Guide.
Ornamental Grasses

Grasses are the ultimate architectural plant, offer height and texture to your garden and have become very popular in recent years. They extend the season of interest right through the winter with their elegant seed heads gently swaying in the wind, plus they look beautiful when sparkling in the hoar frost. They also tolorerate a range of conditions, from gravel gardens to clay.
Olive Trees

The elegant and handsome, evergreen olive tree (Olea europaea) retains grey-green foliage throughout the year. It displays tiny, fragrant, creamy-white flowers in early summer and - in hot summers - the flowers are followed by edible green fruits, yes you guessed it... olives!​ The olive tree makes an excellent specimen for a sunny, Mediterranean-style garden, and creates a real point of interest in a big terracotta pot.
Arid Plants

Just about all agaves, yuccas and dasylirions are very low-fuss plants that have fairly simple requirements. The most fundamental of these is that the medium in which they are grown has excellent drainage. Read on to find more in-depth information regarding the plants of the Agavaceae family and how to correctly care for them.

Firstly, and most importantly, Bougainvillea are not hardy plants - they will need winter protection indoors. They are one of the few non-hardy plants we stock, as they are just so spectacular in flower, flowering almost throughout the growing season. Read on for our car recommendations.